Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to boost your metabolism and burn fat FAST!

Are you wondering how to boost your metabolism in order to lose weight? Once you know how, you can dramatically improve your ability to lose weight and keep it off forever.

If you're putting your weight loss issues down to a slow metabolism, you're just like many other people who feel the same way. But before you resign yourself to a life of being overweight, you must know that it is possible to counter this, and if you know the right way to go about it, it's actually quite easy to do.

There are some lucky people out there who are able to burn more calories in less time and with less effort than anybody else. Many of these people do not suffer from a weight problem, but if they do, it is not as difficult for them to lose weight.

If you think you have a slow metabolism, you're about to learn that things can truly look up for you!

First you need to know how to boost your metabolism, and then it's a matter of applying what you know.

Your body is an amazing machine that burns calories each and every second of each and every day - even while you are sleeping. The number of calories your body is burning at any given time usually corresponds to the amount of activity you are doing at that time.

And here's something you should think about. In order to maintain muscle, your body needs to burn more energy in order to maintain it, and less to maintain body fat. What this means, is that if your body has more muscle, it will automatically need more energy, hence you will have a higher metabolism.

For the women who are worried about bulking up and looking like a man, you are not built this way and you don't have enough testosterone in your body, but regardless, you need to work on building your muscles to help you lose weight. Whether you are male or female, building muscle will help you to get the results you want.

One of the best ways to build muscle is through strength training, and to burn away your body fat, you should combine this with cardio.

Eating a minimum of between four and seven meals per day and leaving no more than four hours between each meal, will also help your cause. Never skip a meal, because this will only counter your efforts. This is extremely important!

Further to this, you should start each day with a healthy breakfast in order to crank up your metabolism. Never, ever skip breakfast as this is the most important meal of your day!

So now you know how to boost your metabolism, so now it is time to get started! By following the strategies outlined here, you will begin to see yourself with the body you always wanted.

Lose weight fast - 5 strategies for success

If you want to lose weight fast, there are several things you need to do - and they all require some work and effort.

There are no miracle pills or shakes in the world that can help you to lose weight and keep it off forever - you only need to look at more than half of the population to see that most people still struggle with their weight.

But to learn how to get your old body back isn't hard. Visit and see!

Friday, June 6, 2008

How I lost weight in only 3 weeks!

I have embarked on the Fit Yummy Mummy program and whilst I’m not “fat” as such, I am definitely a little soft around the edges. I definitely need to tone!

Anyway, I started 3 weeks ago and already I am seeing results! Firstly, I have a LOT more energy and waking up at 5am to my baby is no longer a struggle. In fact, I am enjoying being up with her at that hour (ok, I know I’ve lost the plot!).

Physically, I am already seeing definition in my legs and arms. As for my tummy, it’s not looking nearly as bloated these days.

I recently received an email from the Fit Yummy Mummy Holly Rigsby, and she was inviting me to vote for the finalists of the Fit Yummy Mummy 12 Week Transformation Challenge. The challengers had been on Holly’s program for the last 12 weeks and had posted thier before and after photos for us to see and then vote on.

Well, I was completely amazed at the amazing success these women had accomplished! They looked amazing and it was hard to believe that they had only been following the program for 12 weeks!

More details on my site at if you want to know more.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Going on a diet to lose weight is a waste of time!

How many times have you gone on a diet, only to find that as soon as you return to normal eating, you not only put the weight back on, but you end up weighing more than when you started! Going on a diet is not the way to go.

I recently read an article which talked about how women in Northern Ireland spend 10 years of their life on diets (yuk!), however a quarter of these will not lose weight.

"Going on a diet" is not necessarily the right way you should go when you want to lose weight and there are many reasons why.

Visit to read up on tips and strategies to help you lose weight - and they don't include "going on a diet"!.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Reduce your cardio to lose weight

Many people who want to lose weight think that they should work out for hours and hours doing cardio because it's the only way they will reach their goal weight.

Unfortunately, they may actually be putting weight on instead of losing it! They're doing it all wrong! If you want to know how to lose weight without wasting countless hours doing cardio, then you must read this now!

A few years ago some studies were done to compare the effects of steady state cardio and intervals and the results were astounding!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lose weight the easy way

Many don't lose weight because they think it's hard so they don't even try. For many it is hard, but if you know what to do and you have the right support around you, then losing weight can be easy.

But if losing weight was easy, everyone would be doing it! Everyone would be walking around with fantastic, healthy bodies, they would be full of energy and they would look great. Right?

Right! If you want to lose weight, visit

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lose weight for your children

With so many overweight or obese children out there right now, I was compelled to write an article on the subject. In many cases, the reason these children need to lose weight is because their parents do too.

What hope does your child have if you can't eat or exercise properly?

If you want to lose weight and set a good example for your children, so something today!